Late Diagnosis, Misdiagnosis, No Diagnosis: The Intersection of Sexism and Ableism Towards Autistic Women

Though autism can affect anyone regardless of sex or gender, an individual’s gender will affect their disorder and how others view it. Sexism against women and ableism (discrimination against the disabled by the non-disabled) are social forces that interact with each other – they are intersectional. Women with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) face challenges that […]

Comorbidity in Adolescence: ASD and Anxiety

More often than not, a diagnosis of autism will be followed by a second diagnosis. The incidence of comorbid conditions with autism is 70%, according to one study following autistic children ages 10 to 14 (Smirnoff et al, 2008). The study found that the most common comorbidity was anxiety, which affected thirty percent of children […]